Monday, November 29, 2004

A Day to Remember

I just had the worst 2 days of my life.

Well , ok, one of the worser days.

I was supposed to work on a Sunday (I call it "Special Sunday". It a name given just so I can sound more positive for Sunday work, even when I just simply can't BE positive about it) , and on this Special Sunday I had a major web deployment lined up for me.

Nothing new there I suppose.

I just had to upgrade the database software and patch it with an updated fix on a security alert. My target time is 12:00-16:00.

Ah well, the test run through was around 3 hours, so I wasnt exactly worried about it. Been there, done that kind of thing. Unfortunately for me, the test was done internally within the office (that sounds redundant, doesnt it?) and I wasnt able to take into account the access between internal office and our production network. I couldnt get the installer to run. It involves putting up an Xwindow on my local PC for it to work.

But life isnt always as simple as that, huh? I should've thought about the production access. Couldnt get the display to come out, so at the first step of my deployment, I was stuck. I had to make a few phone calls to coordinate the access.

ok, at 15:45, I was finally going to get somewhere. Access is fixed. I start applying patches.

Finished everything by 18:00. Oh, but wait. I had to also apply the same patch to the backup server. Now why didnt I think of that. (Patches everything again with the backup server. On the mid-way, I go down to get some food for dinner. Since i didnt have any money on me, I withdraw from the ATM machine downstairs. Perfect.)

20:00 I have to refresh the database since its upgraded. dum dee dum dee dum. What a Special Sunday!

22:00 Having trouble starting up the website. Man, i cant sleep now... Its so late.

22:30 Finally can go home! Drat, I left my money in the office. Now I have to withdraw from the ATM machine again.

23:00 Home sweet home. Now i have to wait up til 00:30 to see if everything works out ok...

00:45 Good things seem to be doing ok. Now i proceed to watch "Mean Girls"....

08:00 Drat! its 8am already! Im supposed to be in the office by 8!

Rushes to brush my teeth, change to office attire and fix my hair at the same time. Runs down to the bus stop. Oh good, Im only 10 minutes late right now...

Bus comes along. Here comes the bus! Hurry up, hurry up. Tugs at my bag to get the bus ticket. Wheres the bus ticket?? Im already late as it is. Drat i think i left it at home. No bother, i can pay cash. Hmm... my wallet's empty.


ATM machine again.... card's not being accepted... go find another ATM machine... find find gotta find. (2 of the same bus routes have already passed by in my frenzy to look for an ATM machine that will accept my card) I find a working ATM machine. im 30 minutes late already..!

Gets into the bus. Arrives 10 minutes later. Starts eating my breakfast.. and it spills all over my dress.

What a day.


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