Monday, January 23, 2006

Gym Progress Week 24

Yes, ok.. I couldn't stand it again. I never could, anyway.

Strangely enough, there weren't as much people during the Saturday class. Its usually packed, and I get to see the same familiar faces: This nice buffed up guy in glasses, the guy I mentioned last week who also has his own little world, the girl with the long curly hair who started off with Steve's step classes later than me, the trendy lady that had a body you wouldn't believe for a late 30s/early40s age, the funny glass wearing guy that was always one tempo ahead of everyone. Patsy was there though, and we had a quick chat before the class started. It seemed that Steve had a morning class at the Central branch, so a lot of them opted to skip this Causeway Bay afternoon class (the steps are usually the same if that happens).

I think I should start putting names to the faces.

The Sunday class was not as bad as I thought it would be. Suzette started off explaining that she might get into trouble since she was bordering into Step Moves (advanced) instead of Intro Step Moves (Intermediate). Last week someone twisted her ankle doing the steps and all that stuff, so she's going to keep it "easy" for this week, and leave the tempo a bit slower. She'll be talking to Michelle (it seems she's the managing person for these aerobics classes) to change the class to Step Moves instead, since she thought that most of the attendants of the class were pretty good - But that's going to be AFTER the chinese new year.

Didn't have problems with that. In fact, I rather liked it. Its better than halfway trying to figure out if you're doing intermediate or advanced. So, she apologized, and told us she's going to keep it easy for today.


I'm not complaining though. :) Its always fun with her classes nowadays. Its also rather fun that I see the same faces too every Sunday, albeit a different set of people. Nice looking amiable girl always positioning at the back of the class (I used to ask her to save her spot for me for the following bodypump class a few months back), a friendly looking mature lady at the right hand side corner/back of the class always wearing black, a slightly chubby and tall towering lady at the midsection spot, and lets not forget, the guy who also has his own little world also attends this one.

I swear, I think I should come up names for all these people... haha. In any case..:

Week 24
Sat(ISM): Steve
Sun(ISM): Suzette


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