Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Bad Host, Bad Blog

Yes, I haven't been a proper host lately.

I know I put up a Oracle blog, and I've placed a couple of posts for it, but it hasn't been very energetic lately. Its quite a lot of work to put up technically accurate posts (well, ok, not THAT accurate maybe) but I've set a standard for myself to deliver cohesive, simple to understand posts since my Oracle blog does cater to Oracle newbies in general.

To actually be able to help people with their Oracle problems, I have to layout my posts as simple as possible. Additionally I needed to employ the same tactics that most well known Oracle personalities within the Oracle community out there use - based-by-example walkthroughs - to help make the post quite understandable for neophytes. From experience, I know that their presentation worked for me, so I was hoping to apply the same writing/blogging principles for my own Oracle blog.

Finally, I also have write it so that it should also technically accurate.

Writing about my thoughts is a piece of cake, as they are based on nothing but my thoughts and opinions. Opinion pieces are easy, but writing about something factual is another thing. I'm sure we have all taken up term paper writing during our school studying days, but even up til now it pains me to have to go through all the research motions, despite the fact that I am writing about something that I really love to talk about. (This is further supplemented by my 2 previous posts, this and this)

But since I'm slightly anal by nature, at the end of the day, I'm left with several drafts about good Oracle ideas, but not be able to publish them because they don't hold up to my standard of satisfaction.

This is turning out to be a slightly depressing thing, but this shouldn't stop me from writing up a few posts about one of my favorite topics. I suppose I needed a place to vent out my frustration, and this blog is as good as any. In the mean time, let me compose myself, and start up my Oracle juices again. :)


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