Friday, January 20, 2006

Incapacitated Feet

Not what you think. Definitely not the knee.

As most of you have read, I've blistered my ankle last week when I tried on my new sports shoes (They're amazing by the way). I have now added a new addition to the blister family. This is care of my amazing first time newly used "corporate" black shoes I used for my recent very important meeting last Friday.

I'm err.. proud to say that I have extremely suppressed my obvious pain at walking around Hong Kong for approximately 6 hours with these new shoes, and I should always bear in mind that I should always leave a bit of time before actual important meetings in case anything as serious as this happens.

And yes, they are serious. All the skin's been peeled off, and you can nicely see the raw flesh. You should've seen the head of my stockings that day. They were drenched with blood. So were the nice little tissues that I "quick-fixed" stuffed into the shoes when the whole feet thing started to sting painfully. That didn't turn out to be as nice, either, as I was left with several pieces of bloody drenched tissue papers - one of them which accidentally slipped off my shoe when I was elegantly dashing about in the city's subway system trying to catch the next train to my destination. I shan't imagine the looks of everyone's faces when they see a bloodied wad of tissue falling out from a desperate looking lady in formidable office pumps. The things we do for fashion, honestly. I should be also thankful that I was lucky, since it was rush hour and no-one attemped to stop and fine me for littering the whole place with my DNA. I would probably scream in frustration... I mean, helpless me, all feet bloodied to the bone, late for an appointment that could possibly be as life altering as the monumental sending off of astronauts to the moon, and you expect me to bend and pick up a bloodied wad of paper? Yes, I'm a dutiful and responsible citizen, but I was also harrassed.

I mean, who could resist being sympathetic after looking at the most abominable, pity-triggering pairs of feet?

Here's a nice little close up of the horrible blister in question... just ignore the bad state of my feet is ok.. just look at the blister. Can you imagine BLOODY right now?

I swear. Its going to take weeks for this to heal...


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