Sunday, June 03, 2007

Gym Progress 37

Surprise, my schedule's really messed up these days.

Wednesday was on a Star Cruise Pieces. I promised Hiro no gym until Friday (but failed miserably on the Thursday) due to my right ankle problem. Saturday ankle still hurting and was making a mess in Steve's class. Sunday the ankle pain was a bit acute, but still bearable.. until a point in the afternoon when I eventually I gave up - 10 minutes before the end of the Bibi step class, I stopped and just left. Its not my right ankle anymore.. its both. Definitely a wakeup call. I really AM not a superwoman with these knees and legs of mine. I guess some people are lucky to have no problems with their knees, but even with my relatively young age, I can't pretend I can do as much anymore. I'd probably be only killing myself.

The only nice thing about the whole ankle incident was the fact that Hiro gave me a couple of "cooling" pads. It was a very nice thought... It reminded me how understanding some people really are, and that I should learn from them.

Well in any case, I thoroughly enjoyed my break by spending time with the family and getting more rest than before, and, would you believe.. pimples don't pop up THAT often anymore.

Thu (ASM,HY): Bibi, Louisa
Fri (IHL, ISM,ASM): Bibi, Jason,Bibi
Sat (SM,ISM): Bibi,Steve
Sun(ISM, HL, ISM): Lok, Bibi, Bibi


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