Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Nice People

They're nice people.

A mere few days and gazillion of coffee beans later, I realize this very thought.

My new colleagues are pretty much the standard hodge podge typical IT professional configuration: Long hours, a dazed, long, far-away look, quirky sense of humor, a concentration that never seems to waver, long unblinking durations in front of the LCD monitors (or even in many cases, 2), ... did I already mention the uncanny concentration?

Take your pick: The silent type, the chatterbox type, the perpetually always wanting to help and please, the downright snobbish because he has his own world, the nice fatherly figure type. Did I leave anything out?

They're all of different spices, but they're all IT. In the end, essentially, they're all spices.

What else? Oh let's not forget, they also have a sprinkling of the corporate financial culture. Lots of typical red tape, lots of forms, lots of regulations, lots of preparation, lots of documentation... slightly rigid too.

It's a pretty interesting personality configuration. But like most hardcore/slightly hardcore/dedicated IT people, there's less of the politics, and more of the earnest, frank/honest/transparent opinions.

I hate being political. That's why I chose IT in the first place.

Don't expect me to become too much of a politics handling manager anytime soon. I much like being where I am. And I'm glad to find out, even with the infinite personalities that I've seen in my new workplace, being in the IT field is the best match to my personality.

And my colleagues are very nice and friendly too. And honest and transparent. I really hate conniving people.

I'm so happy.

How delightful.

*I apologize for the stereotyping, but if you're faced with at least 30 people in your first day of work, you're likely to end up stereotyping everyone. It's a typical classification mechanism, you know. Otherwise you're likely going to end up losing your mind.


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