Sunday, January 01, 2006

Spend the New Year With...

As a follow up on my previous post, this is my way of spending my ideal new year, based on my plans today...

1. Wake up early
2. Take my sweet time
3. Go to the gym
4. Take my sweet time
5. Enjoy a New Year Dinner
6. Go to bed early

So what happened?

1. Well, I did wake up early, that's done and over with. Actually woke up at 6am.
1a. Went to the market again... there's not much to do anyway at 6am in the morning except go to the market and enjoy some fresh air along the way.
2. I finally took my knitting needles up and started with the scarf... hopefully it will be finished soon.
3. Yey, go to the gym! Start the new year with a bang!
3a. Walked around first... get some more fresh air and enjoy the cool weather.
4. Got home and continued knitting with the scarf... Its actually very relaxing to do this, I think I should do this more often.
5. Enjoyed the New Year by having a nice, simple dinner.
6. Sleep!

Looks like mission accomplished. I hope my whole year would be like this, it wouldn't be bad, either.


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