Thursday, December 22, 2005

Korean Samjin-brand Chocolate Covered Cookie

Here's a pretty tasty snack brought back by one of my office colleagues from Korea:

At first glance at the product picture on the packaging, it looks a lot like a Korean version of a cross of two Philippine-made snack by the name of Chocomallows and Chococrunch, the previous made from flattened and resized mashmallows into cookie shape and covered and encrusted in sweet chocolate, and the latter is a chocolate encrusted cookie made of out of wheatgerm and shortbread. I'm sure a lot of Phillipine based people has had experience eating them; they're almost like a Philippine kiddle staple.

Upon opening the pack and taking a bite, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that its not the case, although it is a bit similar to both food items I just mentioned. It turns out that instead of chocolate encrusted mashmallows, the food item was made of a jelly rubbery texture similar to those of japanese mochi (sticky rice cake) but slightly sweeter and less rubbery. At the middle, in place of the wheatgerm-cross-shortcake cookie is a soft, rather indefinite form of cookie made primarily of peanut cake.

Its rather addicting to eat, since its not as sweet or sugar high as the previous two mentioned, and you can almost imagine eating them in loads. I wonder if they sell it here in Hong Kong though... they're really REALLY good.

Here's a few more pictures of the side and the back:

If anyone sees them, here in Hongkong or back there in the Philippines, can you tell me? They're extremely addicting.


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