Saturday, February 19, 2005

A Day of Opportunities

Today, I had the fortunate opportunity to get out of the house.

I also had the opportunity to sit at the nearest local park.

And I also had the opportunity to grab a coffee that's well suited to my liking.

I also had the time to think things through on what I liked and hated, and I promptly had the opportunity to write them down and reflect on what I have become after 25 years. But that's another matter to talk about altogether. There are more important relevations than what I have morphed into after all my experiences and memories.

Because, I had the finest opportunity to see winter in action with external man-made objects - specifically, the pen.

Pen is indeed mightier than the sword, but it seems its no match for winter. As I hastily jolt down my thoughts in my notepad, trying to catch up my thoughts with my hand, sitting in the bench at the nice park with a cup of double shot Starbucks cafe latte beside, I finally realized this.

My favorite, commercially sold pen has its ink thinning out on me.

The cold weather has taken its toll and has finally triumphed on the pen. Whether it was the ball or the ink that lead to its temporary demise, I cannot tell.

I can never write in this cold weather, it seems. Besides, who has the sanity to brave the outdoors to sit on a park to write a few stupid memories while the rest of the town is freezing its ass off.

I put my pen down, tuck it into my backpack and enjoy the greenery.

What an opportunity to see life in action.


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