Sunday, August 17, 2008

A 3-Day Intermission / An Explanation On What Has Transpired

The entry following this, was originally going to be my post, before things went drastically wrong last Friday. I was ashamed to publish it, that very night, because I thought that I would have been a hypocrite, having failed in the most important of things. I invested a considerable time last Friday to take care of friends, a testament to what I firmly believe everyone should be, and yet, after trying so hard to prevent what I feared to happen to my loved ones, it broke my heart to discover that someone living so physically close to me, was living the same desolation, and loneliness,... and reaching the breaking point.

I was ashamed.

Maybe I could not do anything, she never existed to me, but despite that... maybe I could've done something that MATTERED. The world in which we live in, is a web of interactions. It is an important point to acknowledge this. More than once in my life, my day would be brightened by a random act of kindness, by a stranger - It gave renewed glimmer of hope to a tired soul, and rekindle a fire and a motivation that, yes, things could be better.

I've lived through three days wondering what went wrong. I have had sleepless, troubled nights, and no motivation whatsoever to do anything. Finally, I realized I had to write it down.

I do not advocate suicide, but needed to plead on their case - The world does not need another critical essay on how some people give up on life. It doesn't need to instill fear of possibly eternal damnation (take your pick on religion), or how they have abandoned their responsibilities, and callously thrown way so carelessly the love and indebtedness they should feel towards the people in their lives. I needed people on the other end of the spectrum to understand that, at some point, reason or logic will not work. It will be ruled by fear and extreme emotion.

It is a responsibility to the people around to make things better. Those that are incapacitated have to be lifted up. Their choices should be respected, no matter how irrational, but, as a person, wouldn't you feel responsible for something that you knew that maybe, you could have had a chance to change?

I hope that the article would give a small perspective on understanding how lonely, abandoned people feel. I do not pretend I fully understand, but I am well aware of how loneliness, desolation and violence feels, and I hope it could help you change your mind and give you a sense of responsibility and action. I'm also well aware I could not do everything, so I am pleading help from everyone to do their part. It doesn't take much effort. Even a random act may turn around someone.

In turn, I realized that what I was about to post that night, has more weight than ever. Shame aside, it needs to be posted. It hit home, in an eerie, foresighted manner, as I strangely used the exact same example that transpired last Friday night. I realized finally, that these two posts are related, and it is a two part article that will make up a whole.

The first part of the article remains unchanged. Only the definition of the main post was expounded today, to give more breath and depth to the point being relayed.

I hope that you will see the significance, just as I did, when I realized it during these past traumatic few days. I hope that it will move you to make a difference.

Besides, all I can do is hope. And someone said hope is quite hard to kill.


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