Monday, May 08, 2006

Gym Progress 37

Lets see. A couple of mixed news.

Monday Marathon: Multilevel class hatha yoga. Yes, its strange but you meet all these people who are also intending to attend the next class. This is my first time, and I was glad that the instructor took the class light. very difficult, but thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt very relaxed afterwards, and I think getting a few more yoga classes will do me much good. For some strange reason I always feel quite "stable" when I finish the yoga class.

Need I say more? Steve's step class, nuff said.

As for the bodypump... well, I figured I might start soon, I haven't touched any freeweights since Nov last year already (can you imagine??? its been 6 months!) and my physique has totally deteriorated. It doesn't help that I also eat a lot of snacks in the office...

Friday Step Moves : Aside from my usual ongoing schedule, both Monday and Friday were holidays: The first one was Labor Day, and latter was Buddha's Birthday. So that just about gave me an excuse to spend some more time at the gym for some classes.

As always, there was at least one advanced step class for each of the holidays (yes, that's why I love holidays) I greedily made sure I had a space for Monday and Friday's class by respectively attending the previous Hatha Yoga class, and by coming in at least an hour early to reserve a slot for my step. The first one wasn't so bad, but the Friday one was quite irritating. Right after reserving a space, I went to the treadmills as it is still 50 minutes away from the start of class. Once I got back, 2 people behind me squeezed in, and i barely had any sort of space to even move around or travel... lets just say my step radius facing the back was at most 2 feet apart from the step behind me. It was quite irritating.

Ahh.. but these things happen, and so I resolved not to let it bother me. Besides, there's no point in complaining (although I did complain - but trust me, I could've dragged it a whole lot longer) in great lengths of time and spoil my perfectly nice start of the holiday and also not enjoy the class.

As a side note though, I managed to acquaint myself with one of the other regulars by accidentally stepping on her foot. Not a nice way to meet people, but I suppose we're in a friendly enough terms now. But I was really quite sorry... I stepped on her foot, and it must've really hurt. I can just imagine. Poor girl.

Sunday Intro Step Moves: The only good news that I can give - Sunday's class is being made I-A! That certainly put a smile on my face. It was about time...

Mon(HY,SM,BP): Jean, Steve, Steve
Thu (ISM): Steve
Fri (SM): Michelle
Sat (ISM): Steve
Sun (ISM, BP): Suzette, Roger


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