Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Gym Progress 35


A very big change. Since Suzette wasn't around this week, it was finally time to try out Calvin over at Whampoa branch.

What have I got to say?

His choreography style is much like Steve, and he's very fast paced too. He even uses the same songs on occasion (Gwen Stefani comes to mind...) The only thing I don't like is he's even worse than Steve. He doesn't do too much breakdowns, his "single" and "double" you can't tell if its a knee, a stomp or a switch... and this instructions really don't make any sense on occasions.

Make no mistake though. If one gets used to his "style", his classes would be as enjoyable as Steve's.

Now I'm actually contemplating and deciding if it should alternate between Suzette and Calvin... trust me, Calvin was pretty nice... and surprisingly, lots of people, too.

Something strange though. My usual pinpointer for Saturdays moved aways to another section of the class. I wonder, what gives? gah... I suppose I don't really need a pinpointer this week, I don't have any problems following Steve's choreography.

Thu (ISM): Steve
Sat (ISM): Steve
Sun (ISM): Calvin


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