Sunday, February 05, 2006

Where In the World Is Me?

So, I have this really adorable picture for my profile:

Yes, its relative, isn't it? A lot of people said its really ugly, but I find it very adorable, and cute. Just goes to show that beauty is in the eyes of its beholder. Its a depiction of one of the minor characters for Neil Gaiman's Sandman: A baby gargoyle taken care of/living with Cain and Abel by the name of Goldie. So that's my profile picture. You won't be seeing anything else in the profile aside of the usual short descriptions.

I've also already established that my primary reason for writing this blog is mainly for friends and personal rant.. ok fine. Mainly for friends. Here is one of many posts that would explain this. So, in short, since I'm writing this for my friends, I don't really need a picture, innit? They know what I look like already. Unless I make a major surgery face change.. but no. I'd rather use the money for something else. That's another post entirely.

So what about those people that occasionally drop by from somewhere else? People who haven't personally seen or know me? Like, for example, people who would be coming from somewhere else that I've recently mentioned here. (I'm still gloating a bit, by the way) They wouldn't really know what I would look like, now would they?

Ah well, I suppose its for the desperate to go into searching for a picture of me. I don't like putting up my picture because I think looks don't really count for much. If we've going to end up as friends, you'll probably wait until the last minute before you actually try to seriously consider what I look like. That's usually what happened to me before.. I'd hold off asking for someone's picture until I get to know them pretty well. I simply abhor people who come up to me the first day and just ask for my photo. Excuse me? why the heck are you asking for my picture? Does it make a difference? I mean, if it does, then I'd rather not talk to you to begin with. I really hate people who ask for my photo. I try to tell them off.. I mean, sometimes I'd meet someone, and they'd directly ask for my picture. DUH. We're not even friends yet. What's the whole purpose of having a picture of me? going to show off and tell people I'm your gf? PUHLEEEAAASE. (you can tell how much I hate stuff like this, don't you?)

So back to what I was saying. The only time you'll be motivated to look for a picture of me is just for the sake of not making a mistake in case we do end up doing an eyeball (do kids these days still use the term "eyeball" to imply a face-to-face meeting?).

But I do have a picture of me somewhere in the blog, I think... if you get lucky. But the pictures are most likely pretty old, too... well, either that, or its pictures of parts of me anyway. As I recall, there was one which came out overexposed, one which had a shot of my foot (bruised), one very interesting one recently pertaining to being very "up close and personal"... a couple that included my fingers....


But I do have a picture posted up somewhere. I'm just too lazy to look for it. And besides, why make it an easy time for new readers to find out what I look like? Wouldn't it be interesting to wade through the whole blog and also read the posts one by one?

My boyfriend tells me I'm a sadist. I enjoy seeing other people toil and suffer...



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