Monday, June 20, 2005

No, That's Not Funny

So much for being consistent. Lets see.. the last time I made any specific entry to going to the gym was... this one.

See the date? oh my, its like.. Nov 27, 2004. Needless to say, I've declined back to .. ok, chronologically based on my blog entries... dream obsessed, stressed working , statistics calculating, nightmare fearing, tv series watching and potato chip eating coach potato.. in short, one big, fat ass.

On a snippet of a conversation with a friend when I went back to the Philippines 2 weeks ago...

"My goodness Claire, did you get fat?"
"Oh yeah.. that's because I'm already 3 months into my pregnancy."
Friend looks at my boyfriend. Friend looks at my stomach. Friend looks at my boyfriend, then again at my stomach, then slowly looks back at me, still uncertain and trying to figure out if its for real. He glances at his wife who is around 5 months into her pregnancy. He stares back at me again, unsure, but thinking that it all makes sense.

"No, really, are you serious????"

*roll eyes*

I went back to the gym last week. After receiving those unflattering comments from my friend, and even from that very nasty building guard who rarely talks to me but makes a joke out of it, asking how many months into the pregnancy I'm in.

So much for having a realistic looking 3 month-stage-pregnancy stomach.

This time I'm resolved to going make it past the 7 week mark. So far that's the longest continuous gym routine I've had since I started blogging. I've had longer before, but I figured, that doesn't count.

At least I'm able to pick up on attending intermediate step aerobics last week. *sigh*

Ugh. Horrible. Wish me luck.


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