Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Short Trip to the Pantry

What stuff you can learn and experience with an innocent trip to the office pantry.

Here I was jugging both my empty cups to the pantry, going for a water refill (the pantry's a long way off now that the IT team have moved beside the CEO's office two months ago. So now I've decided to have two cups to halve the long trips to the pantry), and bumped into one of my colleagues. She was in front of the microwave, and it seems like she was heating something in it.

With an attempt to be jolly and social, I put on a big smile.

"Hey its afternoon, what are you cooking?"

"I'm kinda hungry, and I'm warming milk."

She sure seemed hungry. She was very intently looking straight at the microwave while i stood beside the water dispenser filling up my first empty cup. Nope, not looking at me. She must be really hungry.

Putting up with another shot to be friendly (and also to break the silence - the water is not even filled up half of my first cup yet, and she is just staring at the microwave. I do not like silences.) I asked,

"Milk relieves hunger?"

It must be the distraction that I was doing to her.. but she eventually tore her eyes from the microwave and answered "Its ok." Ting! Microwaving finished. She stood up, grabbed a spoon in her hand, opened the microwave, and started stirring it.

"Hey! there's white stuff on your milk!"

She looked at me, stared at the contents, and her head came back up, saying, "Yes. Eggs."

"Milk with eggs? Wow that's new! do you add anything with it before you microwave it? salt? sugar? What does it taste like? I never had that before, that sounds interesting!"

"I got the habit from a ex-colleague of mine. She says this is good for your skin and complexion.."

OK. She said she was hungry, and now the drink is for her skin and complexion. I was just starting at my second cup at this point. I thought what she just said about skin and complexion sounded funny, and I immediately voiced out the first thing that came to mind:

"Wait, i know eggs you put on your face, and milk they say you can take a bath with for good complexion, but drinking them together has the same effect???"

Hmm. Wait. That sounds like I just pushed everything she told me down her throat.

But thankfully she was nice, so she just laughed.

By this time my second cup was filling up fast, so to wrap up the situation, and to make up for what i just did (and also satisfy my growing curiosity)

"... That's really interesting! *Big Smile* I think I'd like to try it tomorrow, thanks! "

Smile (Again).

I've never had eggs in warmed milk before. It sounds kinda fancy. I'm REALLY going to try it out tomorrow. (Has anyone ever tried it before?)

Stay tuned, folks.


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