Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Being a Parent

I just had a thought earlier today...

I wonder what kind of parent I would be when I become a mother?

I thought about being a parent; Would I grow up to become friends with my kids, or do I retain a certain distance from them? I started thinking about all the types of parents I've met.. my parents, uncles, my brothers, friends..

The first thing I thought about was one of my brothers. He's just had his first son, and the baby is just a few months old. My brother spends his days working on overtime for a IT firm and tends to come home at 8 or 9pm everyday when work is not loaded; if it is, then he comes home at 12 midnight. On weekends he spends his days playing computer games... I thought, how cool a dad would that be! You have a dad who's going to end up playing games with you.. multiplayer ones or play ps2 (or ps3 or ps4...) or xbox. That would be something I would've liked to have when I was growing up with my parents...

And then I thought of myself. Im the antisocial one, but then again, I love watching movies and tv shows. I even go watch in marathon-style. Wouldnt it be great to have a mother who loved watching the same shows as you? Watch the latest shows together, exchange theories? be a mother and son/daughter couch potato?

And then I thought about one of my uncles. He's always the "IN" one with us. Not that his values are in sync with us younger generations, but he enjoys a lot of the stuff that we get into. He knows about them,and doesnt really judge us so much. He gives us advice, but doesnt really force us to change our minds. He lets us make up our own minds.

Then there's my eldest brother. He's into scifi and loves photography and astronomy. Its nice to be able to take up your kid to watch meteor showers and spend time developing pictures in the darkroom. Every kid wants to see how things are done; they're naturally curious. Wouldn't it be just great to have a dad who could show these things to you?

And I have another really cool brother who's into cars. He's a sports fanatic, and one of those buffed up jock types you wished you were friends with when you were in high school. And he's great with kids too. He's probably going to end up being a cool dad.

And then I was thinking about my parents. I've never really bonded with them.. maybe our interests are just too different for my taste? We rarely do anything together... but then, i thought, maybe i just haven't tried hard enough to figure out what makes them click. We tried playing mahjong once, and it seems every body was enjoying..although im just not as interested about mahjong as I am about watching movies and tv shows.

mmm. Just as odd mumbo jumbo rambling here.

Ever wonder what kind of parents you'd be?


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