Sunday, October 30, 2005

Gym Progress Week 18 & 19

Not much this week.. there's been a bit of a slowdown lately... I think I'm getting lost without a routine schedule (previously I had a set of schedule that ran for a month long without any schedule changes... It seems easier that way) at the moment it takes a bit of convincing myself to get myself there. But so far, I've managed... sort of.

Week 18
Wed (PS,BP): Suzette, Phyllis
Thu (SM): Steve (and right after I ran 8 minutes from the Central California Fitness branch to the City Hall... yes, I ran like crazy. Just to make it in time for my friend's Annie show)
Sat (SM,ISM): Steve, Steve
Sun (ISM,BP): Suzette, Elizabeth

Week 19
Wed (PS): Suzette
Thu (FW,SM): Myself, Michelle
Sat (SM, ISM): Michelle, Steve
Sun (ISM,BP): Suzette, Elizabeth

Well, now its down to 4 times a week.. 3-4 times of aero, and 1-2 times of weights. darn. It used to be more... I should try to make a schedule so its consistent. Notice how easy it is to make excuses for yourself when the schedule/routine changes? I try to live my life on routines, if possible.


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