Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sunday Break

Desperately needing a break from _trying_ to resurrect my PC from the grave, I headed out at 9am and spent my Sunday out of the house.

Not that I have any plans.. I just needed to get out. Get some air. Breathing down on a naked, skeleton PC isnt what I would call healthly. We all know how all those dust accumulates inside the PC. Particularly the power supply. Last time I took my PC apart, I think I would've been able to plant seedlings inside.

I headed off to the nearest cinema to catch a movie by the same director as "Amelie", this one called "A Very Long Engagement".

Once I bought the tickets, got a wee bit of breakfast from the supermarket downstairs. Fresh Mango juice and a raisin bun.

For the first time, I sat beside a guy who seem to have gone stag to watch a movie. Not very usual. Most of the time, its either couples or families that go watch movie together. I end up being the one doing stag (I hate calling up people, I hate making appointments and make sure everyone's free, and I hate people talking to me when the film's showing) which is fine by me. Except sometimes I get stares. Cant' help but be a little self conscious about it, but hey, going stag doesn't mean I don't have friends that want to watch a movie with me. I just enjoy my independence. The guy also brought his breakfast: mcmuffin and coffee (or was that hot choco?) . I know I'm starting to sound nosy here, but he WAS placing them all into the cup holder as if it was a ritual that he always does when going to the movies.

Movie was pretty good. I'll tell you more about it in the future. I don't want to mix up a movie and my sunday break. All you need to know is that I left the movie house feeling satisfied and a money well spent. [You should go see it if you get the chance] Before heading off home, I couldn't help myself anymore and got a copy of Chris Heath's Feel. Its a biography of Robbie Williams. Was supposed to ask my boyfriend to get it for me, but I guess I suck at being patient. I figured, "That's alright, today's supposed to be a break, so its time to enjoy myself."

Spent the afternoon with a HS friend who's working@Guangdong. Came with a friend of his, from work. Met up with them, as well as a often MIA male friend who used to always be the one who'd get us together; the tables have turned, seems like getting a GF makes one do a 180 degree turn. Not that I'm complaining. But I'm just finding the circumstances strange.

Had a good time with them. Had an interesting observation how a certain type of Taiwanese accent (if there ever exists one, I'm not really sure about this) sounds extremely good for me. This friend-of-my-friend is from Taiwan, and I had the most strange experience of actually feeling pleasant when I hear him speak. Its not as if he's drop dead gorgeous, nor does he have charisma or some star quality physically or otherwise, but I found myself being more attentive than how I normally would be. Its very strange revelation. When he talks, he reminds me of one of my favorite chinese singer, Jay Chou. The singer is from Taiwan. This guy, I feel, talks in a modulated, sing songy kind of way. Definitely I like. :P

I left them and headed off home for dinner.

I tried several more times to install the OS. As expected, it didnt really go very well either. At least I've spent my Sunday enjoying rather than being stuck up at home working on the same thing over and over again ;)


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