Monday, March 21, 2005

Scratch Pad (And Today's Words Are...)

When in doubt, get pen and paper, and write randomly.

I stare at the piece of flyer I got from the computer mall 3 months ago. (as a side note, if and when one runs out of paper to write on, and feeling a bit cheap, head to the nearest computer mall as they give out flyers and flyers of paper with quotations on the latest system setup. This would include system specs like CPU, memory, HD, combo DVD/DVDR specs, but conveniently, these will all be printed on one side. The other side is completely blank, and you can play origami god while not worried about the costs of colored paper. Also, one can use them as a nice placemat when eating in front of the computer to catch the vestiges of a messy eater. But for our special purposes today, they are used as what God has made them to be used for - to be written on.)

In various styles of handwriting:

"Oracle Corporation"
"Oracle Corporation"
"Oracle Corporation"
"Oracle Corporation"
"Oracle Corporation"

Other miscellaneous words around the paper:
"Kill Bill"
"General Motors"
"Jardine Fleming"

Hrruuummm, haaarrrrruuuum.

Doesn't make much sense. But it does make me feel a bit better.


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