Sunday, August 24, 2008

An Intermission

Vienna Teng rocks. Obviously I got hold of her CD the day after my last mention of her newest album (its not so new anymore... its been out two years). Awesome. So was Jason Mraz. And Ayaka.

On the other hand, I've been watching movies galore: Journey to the Center of the Earth (3D version), Get Smart, Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, Cyborg She. What a tiring week. And I've run out of new movies to watch, so I eventually resorted to watching The Devil Wears Prada tonight.

Anything wrong with me? Not really. Just have the terrible urge to feed my consumeristic tendencies. And the fact that I seem to be sucking in everything that could be drawn in, read and reread. Pretty much like a sponge right now... just seem to be quite ravenous, really.

I will be rereading Buber's Ich und Du (I and Thou) for the next few days. I imagine it would keep me quite occupied immensely, so likely I will not be posting anything at all, until the book has been finished.

Up in the list, Buber's translation of the Bible, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, and possibly followed by Freud's Das Ich und das Es (The Ego and the Id). And all this, starting to prompt me to start learning German......

To end the post to celebrate the culmination of my past week, a snippet from Blake, one of my favorite poets:

To see a world in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an Hour

Strangely enough... something similar, yet different, and quite unconsciously written previously without any prompt from anything or anyone.

POST: I've spend most of my time lazying the day away along the pier, early in the morning, and at dusk. I'm glad live nearby... its a beautiful place. And so, anytime I sense the stirring of restlessness, that is the place to be... I'm really glad.


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