Friday, July 28, 2006

I Should be Sleeping

I should be. I have been dying the past few days, loaded with work. Mental pressure. Office pressure. Social responsibility (yeah, right.)

I should be sleeping.

I need to get up to get that early friday aerobics class. I need to save up my energy so that I can get by the whole day tomorrow... err.. today. I have the office support mobile, for goodness sakes! The darn phone could ring any minute and I would be forced to stay up the whole night "firefighting" (stupid word, in my personal opinion) a system. Or TWO. or THREE.

Good gods. Someone save me.

My back is killing me. So is my shoulders. It actually pops every 15 minutes. And I'm not even trying to pop it. Its THAT bad. I need a massage. I need a break. But work is pilling up, like, mile high. My shoulders hurt so bad that I feel like sprouting wings on them any minute now.

Purple would be a nice color for wings I suppose.

I could think nice thoughts. My pseudo-boyfriend from the gym. The one that barely talks to me. I can always dream. Or my real boyfriend who's actually sleeping at this very moment. (No, not beside me, that's not possible) . Or my mom. *shudder* (sorry mom, just joking, but we both know we're not the affectionate type - at least towards each other - we're COOL.)

You know... I could do all this thinking while lying down on my bed. Hmm.


Blogger Sean said...

...Until you start wondering about how you could possibly live if your better half turns out to have a habit of snoring. I worry about that a lot.

1:13 AM  
Blogger limeywesty said...

You should sleep because everything works better on a fresh mind... and we all like sleeping. WEll, maybe not all LIKE it, but I've never met anyone who dislikes sleeping... Anyways...
Sleep tight,
Good night,
Dream of bed-bugs tonight!
(dreams are a reflection of conciousness in your subconciousness, so if you read this before you go to bed... there's a chance you might actually dream of bed-bugs!

9:51 AM  

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