Monday, July 24, 2006

Gym Progress 48

Not much to say,... its quite irritating to find out that if I don't have a good view of Steve during his SM classes, I'm never going to be able to follow, which is the case for Monday.

Wednesday.... oh this is pretty cool . I was actually able to so a cool looking stance by the end of the class. specifically, this one. Its called Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose, Backbend, or Wheel). Pretty cool. Never thought I'd be able to do something like that, but I did.

Did Andrei again, after like... I dont know how many months. See how things have changed since he first taught classes in california. Not bad, actually... the choreography's still simple, but I guess he's more cardio than complicated moves.

Well, anyways, I've also met this crazy guy (well, it seeems as crazy as me) who attended both Andrei's and Calvin's class, which is 1 hour apart and probably at the end of Hong Kong (well, sort of. One class was in Central, the other one in Hunghom)I think he's japanese , but I'm not quite sure. Ah, well, I'm sure I'll see more of him in the future, since he also attends Suzette's class on Sundays :P

One thing though... I think I managed to singlehandedly screw up a step class' choreography. Which is an amazing feat by itself, haha. Calvin was teaching some moves... I was following them... and then somewhere along the way, it seemed that I was too preoccupied to look at what he was doing (not that he was doing anything... He was watching us to see if we were doing the moves right) and everybody else except a couple of us was falling behind... and uhm... somehow.. the ones that are not falling behind (just my suspicion) adopted the variation of steps and rhythmn that I was doing, and we all ended up just repeating one side of the choreography. (e.g. normally choreographies are done so that after you finish the whole block, you end up on the opposite side and begin again with the reverse equivalent of the original choreography...) but we were just doing one side... I dont't think anyone noticed this, until I realized at the end, but it seemed like it was too late to change it.

Hahaha, singlehandedly changing the choreography. The instructor must've been having a fit inside. I felt bad afterwards though.. didn't mean to purposely ruin his master plan. Oh well, I suppose these things happen.

Well, not much to say on Sunday. Except that the Hi Lo class was a total mess! ^_^ At least I managed to partially follow... except that I was practically screwed up with the direction of the choreography, but, nevermind that. :P

Mon (SM): Steve
Wed (Yoga): Yogi Ram
Thu (ISM): Steve
Fri (IHL): Bibi
Sat (ISM, ISM): Andrei, Calvin
Sun (SM, IHL): Suzette, Bibi


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