Monday, July 17, 2006

Gym Progress 47

Busy week. Full of gym classes all about.

And to think that I haven't really reached my "ideal" schedule. Normally I'll have Saturdays with Steve, but that class' branch's flooring was being reinstalled. Plus recently I've gone through the list of regular gym schedules... and found out a couple of classes that I'd like to attend on a regular basis. They're mostly for Saturdays, which are Yoga and SM, for Yogi Ram and Andrei respectively, but I skipped them this week due to the fact that I've already booked tickets to see Superman Returns last week.

Yoga after at least 6 months? My back and shoulders feel like a wreck. Second try on IHL? No problem... was almost able to follow. That's at least good, for a second try, anyway.

Sunday? Nora(h) actually thought that I wasn't attending the Sunday class. Fat chance. Been with Suzette since I started with California ... don't think I'll miss her class if I can help it. Today was quite fun too... first time I saw ... uhm.. I think her name is Irene (she looks Taiwanese but I believe she's from Canada... sorry.. I mean, I'm not eavesdropping or anything, but I was changing clothes beside her when she was talking with someone else a few weeks ago about differences between Canada and HK..) Today's choreography's not bad, despite the fact that Suzette repeated the second block... again (that the third week in a row already! but yes, I have to admit, it's quite difficult) she added new choreography to the others...not the easy ones, but challenging enough to be enjoyed ^_^.

Unfortunately, later on for Sunday I realized that I miscalculated one of the classes' time and didn't get in time with the Mongkok class at 14:20 by Lok. Well, I did stand and look from the outside, but that was it. Just tried to figured what Andrew meant by "different"... well I just stayed around outside to watch the warm up. Comments? well, it seemed... like the beat was fast, but nothing else that I could gather. Ah well, maybe some other time then.

And then there was the intermediate HiLo this Sunday. That was quite fun ^_^ I was slightly confused at the start, but I think I did rather well for my third time :) At least I knew that I wasn't just standing around... I was actually having fun and laughing (because everyone was complaining that it was "guo fen" - already extreme - relating to the steps this Sunday.) But it was fun ! ^_^ I hope I can do this again next week!

Wed (Yoga): Ray
Thu (ISM): Steve
Fri (IHL): Bibi
Sat (ISM): Calvin
Sun (SM, IHL): Suzette, Bibi

* I was talking with Andrew and found out that Steve actually had his regular step moves class last Saturday... Agaah! he sucks! (he told the Thursday class that Saturday class was cancelled... SUX.)
** I also found out the name of the (tall) girl - her name's Heather and she's actually into IT until about 6 months ago.... even Andrew is in IT .... strange.. never figured out that they're IT people (or IT people actually going to aerobics class...?)


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