Monday, June 05, 2006

Gym Progress 41

Monday, slightly strange as Wilson and Patsy were there. I find it extremely weird that Wilson actually knew that I have already missed the Saturday class for two weeks. And I thought there no one noticed.

Come Wednesday: What is it about me and people? Wednesday, holiday, someone squeezed into my place over at aeroclass. The same thing happened to me the last time there was a holiday in Michelle's class. So much for coming 1 hour before the actual class. We come in early and these people come in late and we get the sore end of the stick? I barely had any room to travel around, but whatever. I don't want to be nice, so might as well vent out and pretend that I had all the space in the world.

The only consolation is that at least this girl was decent enough to be sheepish about it and ask me if its ok. Not that I can say, no its not ok, but at least she was not too arrogant enough to be hated. Unlike an indicident previously. (No, lets not get into that)

Thursday... uhm, poor Thursday. Don't know what's wrong with the class, everybody seemed like a newbie. The whole class carely got past 2 blocks. So I felt cheated and went to Lorenzo's class later that day.

I finally got to a Saturday class , albeit 10 minutes late! I had to run from my office, catch a taxi, braved through traffic (I think the taxi driver was quite scared of me by the time I came out of his car.. I was talking to my BF and swearing something about people being inconsiderate and late.. to the point that he told me the fare was less than what was indicated in the display.. gosh I was really mighty mad about something then - maybe in a later post, boys and girls)

Couldn't attend Suzette's on Sunday cause an Uncle and my cousins came by from the Philippines. I WAS able to attend Louis' class in CWB though...

Mon (SM): Michelle
Wed (SM,BP): Michelle, Jean
Thu (ISM,SM): Steve, Lorenzo
Sat (ISM): Steve
Sun (SM): Louis


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