Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dragonboat Festival

What did I do? Went to the gym, of course.

But aside from that, I also met up with my friends. I miss them, and its been a while since I've seen them around. We watched X-men 3 (not bad... I was expecting something ridiculously cheesy, not to say there are parts that weren't), went around to Lush to check out some soaps and cosmetics, had late lunch (well at least I did) , shopped around for some potential "godmother" gifts for weddings, shopped for some exercise pants - yes, I finally got them, ... the Nike pants that I've been looking at for months and months! ... was planning of buying something else because I couldn't see it on stock anymore, but I saw one at the Gigasports shop in Causeway Bay in front of JP Cinema - took a ride home and had a elated conversation with one of my friends about gymming (omg, I can't believe I finally have someone to talk to about gym!)

Highlight of the evening? My family and I had some really delicious salty rice dumplings given to me by my new colleague Vanessa. Her mom makes dumplings every year, and she was kind enough to give me some for me and my family... the dumplings were totally wicked good. There was another type.. the sweet version, made up of red bean and with red bean paste.. that was quite as good also.

But the rice dumplings were definitely a standout. I wish I'd taken a picture of it... But it actually looks like any other rice dumpling, but the ingredients inside (pork and all that stuff in the middle) tasted really really flavorful. I particularly liked the anise part... the pork tasted distinctly of anise, but not so much that it overwhelmed the whole dumpling (trust me, anise flavorings could get really bad...) . Anyway, I figured, in this case, a picture might say a thousand words, but still not enough to describe the taste ^_^


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