Saturday, May 27, 2006

Wicked, Frustrating Saturday

GAh missed it again!

I can't believe I missed the Saturday class again! I'm getting quite desperate and bored already... You don't know how bad I feel.. its much like a fix, when you end up having very bad withdrawal symptoms.. except in my case, I'm very very cranky, moody and irritated and frustrated. You don't want to see me in THOSE moods.

Let's leave it to my collegues, shall we? Anyway, its the reason why I missed my regular class. That's 2 weeks in a row already.


If this is the exchange for that departmental dinner lucky draw, then I'd rather forego the lucky draw to go to the gym... I mean, how often do you expect to work 14 hours, when you initially thought it would go smoothly at 7 hours, when in fact there's officially no work on Saturdays?


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