Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Friend at CP1

I met with an ex-colleague (and now again a colleague) over at another site for this meeting at this other office where a top management person would be talking about changes in the company. (Yes I know, I'm being vague here... I still haven't figured out if I'm doing this purposely, if it is just a subconscious way of handling far fetched legality issues, or I'm just not very good explaining things) Well, essentially, I met with Patrick!

I haven't seen him for a while, and it was nice to see a friendly face again. He's been cooped up in England for a while, and just got back recently to HK. I won't say too much about him, I mean, besides, its his life.. I'm not about to chronicle this life in MY blog. I'll leave THAT one for HIS blog.

No, I'm not going to tell you where you can find his blog either. If you know, that's good. If not, too bad.

The point is, it was really good seeing a familiar face again. I mean, I've got no complaints with my current officemates, but the relationship seems slightly different between my old colleagues compared to the new ones... maybe it was because for my ex-colleaugues, we did spend a long time together.. I mean, we didn't really exactly bond, but the company was small enough to feel as if you were in a family I suppose. That's a good thing isn't it?

Or it could all just be in my head.

But despite that, it is a good thing to think of people in a positive way, isn't it? I don't see any problems with changing THAT outlook. People might think you're just a sucker, but its easier to assume that you're friends, than worry about them talking behind your back. Doubt and suspicion breed bad news, that's what I always thought. And it saves me the effort of thinking too much about what people are thinking.

Especially when you're me. I try to read people if I can... try to think what they're thinking, psycholanalyze them... ugh. And if I end up thinking some people are bad... my imagination goes wild and I think of other bad things. And I dont want to face the fact that I can think evil thoughts in the most grossest, insane, heinous way as possible.

... Sorry, got a bit sidetracked there.

Anyway, it was a good meeting. We had lunch, he was quite sleepy, I was a bit tired, but it all turned out alright, methinks. Too bad there wasn't any pictures.. I totally forgot to get one! that sucks. Next time then.

And afterwards, I desperately headed off to St Paul's Hospital to get that badly needed finger surgery that's been keeping me up and giving me sleepless nights....


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