Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Campbell's Soup Lunch II

I felt I had to come back and comment about the rest of the Campbell soup line (I've been having them for lunch almost always, when I don't have to go out with my officemates for lunch - generally my officemates are ok, its the lunch prices that extremely tick me off)

I realized I may have been adding in too little water to the condensed Campbell's soup, so I ended up previously with something too strong for my taste. This time around, I've added more water in, and the soup tastes smoother. For the insanely curious (only an insane person would read about a similarly insane and bored person's adventures with trying out different Campbell soup flavors) The first part of the same topic can be found here.

Here are the latest list of flavors I've tried:
  • Chicken and Wintermelon Soup - Asian Edition - Pretty good, definitely different from the western style soups. Its more starched based, so it has this thick consistency without being creamy (Western soups seem to always use milk, cheese and other daily products to "thicken" the cream based soups) so its actually something you can drink by itself. Pretty good.
  • Ox Tail - not bad either. Doesn't top the chicken vegetable. The chicken vegetable taste like its a manangerie or flavors, this one tastes like... tasteful tomato based soup. Must be because of the Ox tail, but I can't be too sure. It could've been the length of time all these Campbell contents have been hanging around with the same can... so it tastes... aluminum-y. :P But .... still good.
  • Vegetarian Vegetable - its bit on the bland side, but you can tell its different. Maybe I was expecting it to have the same strong and wide flavor that comes with Chicken Vegetable. The picture on the can is almost similar too (notice how there seems to be only 1 picture for tomato based soups, and another one of the cream of X section.. no I'm just joking, they're different.. but you know what I mean, they all seem the same except Cream of Mushroom has pictures of mushroom beside the soup, and corn for Cream of Corn... yadayadayada)Must be because there's no animal based product in this. First time feels like its not so good, but a person grows to like it. Feels like it has less/more salt. I cant tell with my taste buds at the moment.
  • Cream of Corn and Mushroom - Well this IS a cream of X soup. I dont particularly like cream soups so i'm a bit biased. But nevertheless, its not bad, not bad.
I still have pumpkin somewhere here that I haven't tried. This one looks like you need to add milk instead of water... a bit different from the others. HEh. I'm sure I'll get bored again one of these days, and write up Part 3. Maybe it won't be just Campbells anymore..... :P


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