Friday, August 05, 2005

Reinstalling OS, Reconfiguring Everything

Managed to install Windows XP on the new PC last night. Also finished installing the all the drivers and basic tools I need for everyday use. I just realized how much of a hassle reinstalling is; the actual installation isnt the problem, its the customized configurations that make it a bit irritating.

For example, for Firefox, there are certain extensions that I just can't live without, one of them is Tab Mix. The extension basically configures tab functionalities so that each action results in a specific tab action. With Tab Mix, as with other Firefox extensions, there are so many customizable options, it really helps make surfing and navigating easier... and unfortunately, since I reinstalled, all my configurations just went down the drain, all back to default settings. Of course, I didnt realize this until I installed the extension and started using Firefox; to my irritation, each bookmark that I tried to open resulted in loading links in the same tab, overwriting the previous page that I was looking at. I had to create a new tab and then call up the bookmark. It might be a small thing, but nevertheless, it is irritating. Of course, as I've mentioned so many times, I AM somewhat obssessive compulsive.

It is a good thing I managed to save most of my frequently used tools in my hard drive. It was just a matter of moving my old drive to the new PC, (which I needed to do anyway, because it was just a few months back when I bought it) and I needn't even go online and search for each any every little tool. Eh of course, there's a the matter of updated releases of the tools I use, but then I could do that after. At least this is one pet peeve over with, now I'd go on to dealing with the above mentioned "reconfiguration". I did think about burning the software in CDs instead of just leaving it in the hard disk, but some of them are huge (like Cygwin), and I also hate having multiple CDs laying about.. then trying to figure out which one is more "updated". Maybe this time around, with my new DVD writer, I can do something about that...

*sigh* Even the thought of reconfiguring my Outlook is irritating me right now. hmph.

Well, I'd have to do a bit of research on this, especially with the Firefox extensions. I think most (or maybe even all) of them are xpi's. Maybe you know how them works? I'd sure use some help.

I remember I had a friend who wanted to make a CD so that all he had to do was pop the CD into the CD drive and it'll autonrun and install, customize all his favorite tools by itself. Not really sure if he managed to pull it off, but I hope I can do something similar. Reinstalling is such a bore....


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