Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Urge

Ok, I think I need to be careful with my urges of I'll end up jobless.

Weather extremely sticky today. Its not as hot as the neighboring countries ( I heard some reach 37 degrees) I took a bath twice yesterday just to get the sticky feeling of sweat off my skin. Just right after a bath, I headed out to pick up some things from my aunt.

Bus stop.. Walking.. walking.. walking...

I could feel the dampness starting to stick on my skin just minutes after getting off the bus. I could imagine the beads of humidity condensing over my skin. My skin is getting nauseated. My hair is starting to clamp with each other just from the humidity of the air. I could feel it having a life of its down, curling itself up from the extreme humidity. I'd like love to tie my hair up, but it would end up being aesthetically unpleasing, and besides, I didnt have a band to tie it up. My hair is getting irritating. If only I could tie up my hair and let my neck feel the little breeze that still saved my sanity from going over the top... I wish the weather would just go away... I cant stand this anymore.

And right after I had all these thoughts while walking, this overwhelming urge just came over me. I needed to go straight to the barbershop. Desperately.

Yes, you read that right. Barbershop.

I had the uncontrollable urge to get my hair cut. You're probably thinking... "Boy's cut"? But uhm, no. I just had the urge to have them shave all my hair off. Bald and naked as the day I was born. Just to feel the air breezing on the crown of my head and the nape of my neck.

I started to eye the street. No barbershops in sight. I could search for a hair parlour, but there wasnt any, either. And they charge extremely exorbitant prices just for a hair cut. Its not like I'd like them to style my hair. I'm just going to get them all shaved off. How hard is that? My head started thinking of all the shops I'd pass by when I walk down the street. Some shops did come to mind, but I doubt they had any experience with head shaving. I wouldnt want my head cut off and my brains spewed out on the parlour floor ... or maybe have it open like how Anthony Hopkins did to that poor man in Hannibal. I wasn't really ready to have my brains cooked and eaten in a nice hot plate. My goodness, this heat is so irritating. Maybe I should just head immediately home, get a pair of scissors and cut them all off? It would spare me the money. Its just a shave.I think maybe I can borrow my brother's razor and shave it clean?

I dragged myself to the tram stop, my eyes still darting left and right for that savior of a barbershop. No sign whatsoever. I have to get this mop of hair off my head. I have to. Please please please. Can someone hand me a scissor? Oh there's a parlour shop over there across the street. I've always seen it when I've gone to work. It seems ok. Maybe I should just head off there now? My feet moving and it started to leave the tram stop and cross the street.

Then the tram came. Too bad.. I'll just get a scissor at home and cut my head off...


Realizing my train of thought, I stopped myself. The weather must be getting to me. Now, think sanely. If i shaved my hair off, and went on job interview... unless i was planning to go into the clubbing scene, I dont think I'd make a very good impression. Girl with bald head interviewing for company to handle extremely company mission critical production database. When asked in an interview why I had my head shaved off, I answer "Because it is the most sane and logical thing to do with this kind of environment."

Uhm, i dont think so.

From that thought on, I rode the tram all the way to home, immediately jumped off at the tram stop and ran up to the apartment and into my room, making sure that I've hidden all possible cutting tools away from me. Then I locked myself in.

So much for a sane day.


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